



(Culture and well-being: A new inquiry into the psychological wealth of nation)

日  時:2010723日(金)1300分~1430

場  所:京都大学芝蘭会館別館2F研修室I 

(京都市左京区吉田牛の宮町11-1  TEL075-771-0958

アクセス:京都市バス201,206,36番「京大正門前」下車 東一条交差点を南西, 旧白川通り徒歩2分,右側の建物


講 演 者:大石繁宏・ヴァージニア大学心理学部准教授







Culture and well-being: A new inquiry into the psychological wealth of nation

What is a good society? Philosophers from Plato to Bentham have argued that a good society is a happy society, namely a society where most citizens are happy and free from fear. Since the publication of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith in 1776, most economists have implicitly assumed that a happy society is a materially wealthy society. Thus, Gross National Product (GNP) and related indices became the most popular indicators of the well-being of nations from the 1950s to date. Lately, however, prominent economists as well as political scientists, sociologists, and psychologists have shown that a happy society is not just a materially wealthy society, but also a society where citizens can trust one another, have a sense of freedom, and have close social relationships. The inquiry into the psychological wealth of nations, or the subjective well-being of nations, helps answer a fundamental question in philosophy and social sciences for millennia: “What is a good society?”



大石繁宏 2009 幸せを科学する:心理学からわかったこと 新曜


お問合せ:楠見 孝 kusumi(at)educ.kyoto-u.ac.jp   (at)=@