





日本学術振興会の外国人特別研究員のSteve M. J. Janssen博士は, オランダのアムステル大学出身の若手心理学者で,Duke大学のRubin研究室のポスドクを経て,現在,北大の仲真紀子先生の研究室で研究をしています.専門は,自伝的記憶,エピソード記憶,時間の記憶の研究で,Memory & CognitionやMemoryなどに多数の論文を発表しています.

 講演では,これまで進めてきた自伝的記憶の研究の中で,自伝的記憶において,青年期の記憶が多く思い出されるというレミニセンスバンプ現象についてお話ししていただきま した。. 


日時:2011121日(金曜) 午後時半-6


場所: 京都大学教育学部2F216室



講演者:Steve M. J. Janssen (Hokkaido University) 


タイトル:The Reminiscence Bump in the Temporal Distribution of Autobiographical Memory   (自伝的記憶の時間的分布におけるレミニセンスバンプ)



When one examines the temporal distribution of autobiographical memory, one can identify three components. People recall hardly any personal events from the first three or four years of their lives, but many events from the most recent years. The prior effect is called childhood amnesia, while the latter is called the recency effect. Between these components, there is the reminiscence bump, which is the effect that people tend to recall more personal events from adolescence and early adulthood than from adjacent lifetime periods.  
In this presentation, the results of recent studies that have examined the reminiscence bump within and outside the autobiographical memory domain will be discussed. Theories that aim to explain the reminiscence bump will also be assessed. A two-part model that combines differential encoding and re-sampling which offers the best explanation for the results will be presented.




問合せ先: 楠見 孝 kusumi(at)educ.kyoto-u.ac.jp     (at)=@


