



Higgins教授講演会 ・セミナー





   Higgins先生は日本で、東大,名大などで複数の講演を予定していますが、京都大学では、下記の通り、前半は、若手対象(院生、若手研究者など)の少人数の密度の濃い研究会、後半は講演会をおこないま した.講演では下記の内容に加えて,幸福感についても言及していただきました.





日時:200822日( 木曜) 午後1時半-5時半

場所: 京都大学百周年時計台記念館2F会議室Ⅳ



1:30-3:30  若手中心セミナー The international seminar on social cognition for young researchers


Komiya, A. (Kyoto Univ. D1) 

Cultural differences of regret in daily lives

Karouji, Y .(Kyoto Univ. M2) 

The relationship between implicit stereotypes and person judgment.

Suga,S. (Nagoya Univ. JSPS)

Effects of a Communicative Context on Reproducing Information of Products.

Takebashi, H. (Nagoya Univ. D3)

The effect of regulatory focus on the activation of affective representations.


4:00-5:30  講演会 


講演者: Tory Higgins (Stanley Schachter Professor of Psychology, Columbia University)



タイトル:Re-thinking Culture and Personality  (文化とパーソナリティ再考)


要旨:What is the relation between culture and personality? I argue that to address this
question, it is necessary to meet five criteria: (1) to identify universal principles
of human functioning that underlie both culture and personality; (2) to treat
those principles at different levels of analysis for culture and personality; (3) to
define culture and personality in terms of those principles in a manner that
maintains the integrity of these concepts; (4) to select specific psychological factors
that, because of their survival value, are present in every culture and individual,
although to varying degrees; and (5) to postulate how different cultures and
personalities emerge from variability in the predominance of those specific
psychological factors. I then propose that these criteria can be met by identifying
specific human motives that are both universal and vary across individuals, situations,
and groups. I propose a five-step model that describes how cultures influence the
personalities that emerge among its members, with particular emphasis on the
human-defining period of development between 3 and 6 years of age, and how
those personalities in turn influence the culture (from effects of regulatory fit).
As initial support for the model, evidence is reviewed for commonality among
cultures in the existence of promotion, prevention, locomotion, and assessment
motives; for variability across cultures in the predominance of these motives as modal
personalities; and for universality in the relations between each motive and Big
Five and self-esteem trait characteristics. Combining the latter universal relations
with the cultural variability in modal personalities yields cultural differences in
manners of goal pursuit.

Higgins, T. E. (2008). Culture and Personality: Variability across Universal Motives as the Missing Link. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2, 10.1111/j.1751-9004.2007.00075.x



問合せ先: 楠見 孝 kusumi(at)educ.kyoto-u.ac.jp     (at)=@

