ローマ大学 Caprara教授 ポジティブ志向性の心理学 講演会



ローマ大学のCaprara教授が,山口勧東大教授の招聘により来日します。Caprara 教授は,人格心理学,動機づけ研究の第一人者であり,Banduraと長年自己効力感(self-efficacy)の研究を長く進めてきました。現在は自尊心( self-esteem)や幸福感(psychological well-being)の根幹にあるpositivityにも関心を持っています。さらにpositivityに関する行動遺伝学的な研究も進めています。Caprara教授は400編を越える論文を執筆し,Zimbardoとの政治家のパーソナリティに関する共著論文はNatureに掲載されています。

そこで今回は,幸福感の国際比較に関するG-COEのプロジェクトとして,Caprara教授の京大での講演会を 行いました.参加者は30人でした.

日 時:200997日(月)午後400分~530

場 所:京都大学芝蘭会館別館2F 研修室1


講演者:Gain Vittorio Caprara(ローマ大学教授)


題目:Optimal psychological functioning(最適な心理的機能)

講演要旨:Previous findings attest to the stability over the course of life  and to the generality across cultures, of positive orientation as a pervasive mode of viewing at the world and facing reality. Positive orientation affects the ways people construe their experience and predispose to action. Current findings point to self efficacy beliefs as instrumental to change positive orientation in view of optimal functioning. "

問い合わせ:楠見 孝 kusumieduc.kyoto-u.ac.jp(@が全角なのでコピー&ペーストするときには注意してください)



Caprara, G. V., Schwartz, S., Capanna, C. , Vecchione, M., & Barbaranelli, C. (2006) Personality and Politics: traits, values, and  political choice. Political Psychology.

Caprara., G.V. e Steca, P. (2005).Self efficacy beliefs as determinant of prosocial behavior conducive to life satisfaction across ages. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology,  24 ,  191-217.

Caprara, G.V. & Zimbardo, P. (2004). Personalizing Politics: A congruency model of political preference. American Psychologist, 59, 581-594.

Caprara, G.V., Barbaranelli, C., Consiglio, C., Picconi, L., & Zimbardo, P. (2003).Personality of Politicians and Voters: Unique and Synergistic Relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 849-856.

Bandura, A., Caprara, G.V., Barbaranelli, C., Gerbino, M., &  Pastorelli, C. (2003). Impact of affective self regulatory efficacy on diverse spheres of functioning. Child Development, 74, 1-14.

Caprara,G.V., Barbaranelli,C., Borgogni, L., & Steca, P. (2003). Efficacy beliefs as determinants of teachers’ job satisfaction. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95, 821-832

Caprara. G.V. (2003). Tempi Moderni (Modern Times). Firenze, Giunti .

Caprara G.V., Barbaranelli C., Pastorelli C., Bandura A., &  Zimbardo P. (2000). Prosocial foundations of children's academic achievement. Psychological Science, 11, 302-306.

Caprara G.V. &  Cervone D. (2000). Personality. Determinants, Dynamics, and Potentials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Caprara G.V., Barbaranelli C. & Zimbardo P.G. (1997). Politicians' uniquely simple personalities. Nature, 385, 493.