「教育心理学コロキウムIA」(前期)  update 2007.7.15


                       楠見 孝 (教育認知心理学講座准教授)

                                2F212  kusumi(at)educ.kyoto-u.ac.jp      (at)は@に置き換えてください


                    TA 唐牛祐輔(M1) yusuke.karouji(at)p03.mbox.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp





   e-Learningシステムmoodle   マニュアル[PDF]


[授業のねらい]  教育心理学の中でも人間の認知、学習、発達、社会に関する最新の研究論文を読み、報告・討論することを通して、各自が認知心理学の理論的,方法論的問題に関する理解を深め、論文の批判的読解のスキルを身につける。



  0 ワークシートに記入をしてくる





担当者の報告                                (70分)

      2-3人のグループで1回の授業を担当し、以下の報告をおこなう(分担や発表 の仕方は自由である)。










3 クラス・ディスカッション              (15分)



   4 授業終了後


    moodle には関連論文Fを掲載するので,関心のある人は読む

    moodle のフォーラムでディスカッションをおこなう




 発表者は、配付資料、Power Pointなどを用いたわかりやすいプレゼンテーションを目指す。他の参加者も論文を予習して、積極的に発言をする。






                     京大図書館 電子ジャーナルの利用法のページ



                        Google Scholar (学術論文のWEB検索)

                        Web of Science (英語学術論文のDB検索:ISI社,約8,000誌,引用論文と頻度もわかる)学内

                        SwetsWise  (英語学術論文のDB検索:広範囲な分野にわたり15,000誌以上)学内

                        Scopus  (英語学術論文のDB検索:Elsevier社,14,000誌以上,MEDLINEのデータをカバー)学内




  2.論文は、1週間前に,発表者が30人分印刷して、1週間前の授業で配布する(できれば資料も)。なお,論文の発表資料(Word, Powerpointファイルなど)はHPにのせるので,遅くとも火曜日までに楠見 と唐牛宛にemailの添付ファイルでおくる (発表後に訂正があるときはその週の金曜までに送る).


 3.論文は発表者だけでなく、全員が読んで,ワークシートに鉛筆・シャープペンで記入してくる.授業中に補足を赤ペン(なければペン)で記入する.ワークシートは授業終了時に提出する(あとで コピーを返却する).








認知心理学概論II (後期)'06     オープンコースウェア(講義ノートほか)



心理学のためのデータ解析法  心理データ解析演習(文献やHPの紹介)
























 Pecher,Zeelenberg &Barsalou (2004)







 Dijkstra, Kaschak, & Zwaan(2007) 1,2,3 






 Aleman, & de Haan (2004)







 Novick (2003)







 Evans  &  Kersh (2004)

 質的データ分析 分析ソフト







 Donnelly & McDaniel (2000) 1,2,3,4







 Hussey& Katz  (2006)






 Burns &  Corpus (2004)






 Simon, Krawczyk, & Holyoak (2004)






 Lerner,Small ,&  Loewenstein .(2004)






 Wright.& Klumpp(2004 )











4/12    担当教員紹介、自己紹介、オリエンテーション、分担決定


4/19  論文の批判的読み方 英語論文の読み方[PDF] レジメの作り方 論文検索ダウンロードの仕方


4/26 1 知覚・運動 


Markman, A. B.; Brendl, C. M. 2005 Constraining Theories of Embodied Cognition.

Psychological Science. 16(1), 6-10.

Pecher D.; Zeelenberg R.; Barsalou L.W. 2004 Sensorimotor simulations underlie

conceptual representations: Modality-specific effects of prior activation

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 11, Number 1, 164-167.  [レジメ]

Glenberg, A. M., & Kaschak, M. P. (2002). Grounding language in action. Psychonomic   Bulletin & Review, 9, 558-565.

Zwaan, R. A., Madden, C. J., Yaxley, R. H., & Aveyard, M. (2004) Moving words:

Language comprehension produces representational motion. Cognitive Science, 28, 611-619.

Zwaan, Rolf A.; Taylor, Lawrence J. 2006 EJなし

Seeing, Acting, Understanding: Motor Resonance in Language Comprehension.
  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 135(1), 1-11. EJ

Connell, L2007 Representing object colour in language comprehension. Cognition. 102(3) 476-485

Beilock S.L.; Bertenthal B.I.; McCoy A.M.; Carr T.H. 2004 Haste does not always make waste: Expertise, direction of attention, and speed versus accuracy in performing sensorimotor skills Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 11, Number 2, 373-379.

Ripoll, Thierry; Marty, Julie  2005 The role of local and global properties in comparison of

analogical visual scenes. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 12(1), 178-184(7).



5/10  2 記憶1(自伝的記憶,偽りの記憶)


Dijkstra, K.; Kaschak, M. P.; Zwaan, R. A. 2007 Body posture facilitates retrieval of autobiographical memories. Cognition,102(1) 139-149 レジメ [1,2,3]

Bruce, Darryl; Phillips-Grant, Kimberly; Conrad, Nicole; Bona, Susan 2004 Encoding context and  false recognition memories. Memory. 12(5), 562-570(9).                  

Heit E.; Brockdorff N.1; Lamberts K. 2004 Strategic processes in false recognition memory

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 11, 380-386(7)

Grenier, J.; Cappeliez, P.; St-Onge, M.; Vachon, J.; Vinette, S.; Roussy, F.; Mercier,P.;

Lortie-Lussier, M.; De Koninck, J. 2005 Temporal references in dreams and autobiographical

memory Memory & Cognition, Volume 33, Number 2, 280-288(9) EJなし

Schacter D. L.; Cendan D. L.; Dodson C. S.; Clifford E. R. 2001 Retrieval conditions and false  recognition: Testing the distinctiveness heuristic Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 8,(4),  827-833(7)

Brown, Alan S. 2004 The Déjà Vu Illusion. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 13(6),  256-259(4)..


5/17  3 記憶2(ソースモニタリング)


Tunney, Richard J. 2005 Sources of Confidence Judgments in Implicit Cognition

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 12, Number 2, 367-373(7)

Aleman, André; de Haan, Edward H. F. 2004 Fantasy proneness, mental imagery and

reality monitoring.  Personality and Individual Differences. 36(8), 1747-1754(8).    [レジメ]    

Hicks J.L.; Hancock T.W. 2002 Backward associative strength determines source

attributions given to false memories Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 94, pp. 807-815(9)

Gordon, Ruthanna; Franklin, Nancy; Beck, Jennifer  2005

Wishful thinking and source monitoring Memory & Cognition, 33(3), 418-429(12)

Henkel, l.A., Franklin, N. & Johnson, M.K. 2000 Cross-modal source monitoring

confusions between perceived and imagined events.               

Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 26(2), 321-335(15).

Mather, M., Shafir, E., & Johnson, M.K. (2000). Misremembrance of options past: Source monitoring and choice. Psycholological Science, 11, 132-138.


5/24  4.知識(単語,表象, 概念,カテゴリー) 

Butler, Laurie T.; Berry, Dianne C.; Helman, Shaun 2004

Dissociating mere exposure and repetition priming as a function of word type.
Memory & Cognition. 32(5), 759-767(9). http://www.psychonomic.org/MC/. EJ

Estes Zachary 2004 Confidence and Gradedness in Semantic Categorization: Definitely

Somewhat Artifactual, Maybe Absolutely Natural

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 11, Number 6, 1041-1047(7)

Quinn P.C. 2004 Is the asymmetry in young infants' categorization of humans versus nonhuman

animals based on head, body, or global gestalt information?

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 11, Number 1, 92-97(6)

Novick L.R. 2003 At the forefront of thought: The effect of media exposure on airplane

typicality Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 10, Number 4, 971-974(4) [レジメ]

Murphy G. L. 2001 Causes of taxonomic sorting by adults: A test of the thematic-to-taxonomic

shift. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 8, Number 4, 834-839(6)

Zellner D.A.; Rohm E.A.; Bassetti T.L.; Parker S. 2003  Compared to what? Effects of

categorization on hedonic contrast

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 10, Number 2, 468-473(6)

Diesendruck, G. & Gelman, S.N. 1999 Domain differences in absolute judgments of

category membership: Evidence for an essentialist account of categorization. 

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 6, 338-346(9).                 

Falvell, J.H.,Grenn, F.L. Flavell,E.R. & Lin, N.T. 1999 Development of children's knowledge about unconsciouness. Child development, 70(2), 396-4128(7).



5/31 5.学習・教育,知能・問題解決       


Nussbaum, E. Michael; Kardash, CarolAnne M.; Graham, Steve 2005 The Effects of Goal Instructions and Text on the Generation of Counterarguments During Writing.
Journal of Educational Psychology. 97(2), May 2005, 157-169.

Torff, B. 2005 Developmental Changes in Teachers' Beliefs About Critical-Thinking   Activities. Journal of Educational Psychology. 97(1), Feb 2005, 13-22.

ten Dam, Geert; Volman, Monique 2004 Critical thinking as a citizenship competence: Teaching strategies. Learning and Instruction. 14(4), 359-379(21).

Evans, K. &  Kersh, N. 2004 Recognition of tacit skills and knowledge: Sustaining learning outcomes in workplace environments.  Journal of Workplace Learning. 16(1-2),63-74(12). [レジメ]

Luka, Barbara J.; Barsalou, Lawrence W. 2005 Structural facilitation: Mere exposure effects for     grammatical acceptability as evidence for syntactic priming in comprehension.  
Journal of Memory and Language. 52(3),  436-459(24)

Torff, Bruce  2005 Developmental Changes in Teachers' Beliefs About Critical-Thinking Activities.

Journal of Educational Psychology. 97(1), 13-22(10).

Regina, C. 1998 Practical intelligence at work: Relationship between aging and cognitive

efficiency among managers in a bank environment. Psychology & Aging. 13(1) 45-57(13)

Rittle-Johnson, B. & Alibali, M.W. 1999 Conceptual and procedural knowledge of

mathematics:Does one lead to the other? Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 175-189(15).

Knoblich, G.,& Ohlsson, S. 1999 Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insightproblem  solving. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition25(6), 1534-1556.


6/7 6.類推、類似性


Donnelly C.; McDaniel M.  2000 Analogy with knowledgeable learners: When analogy

confers benefits and exacts costs Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 7(3), 537-543(7)  レジメ 1,2,3,4

Hassin R. 2001 Making features similar: Comparison processes affect perception

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 8, Number 4, 728-731(4)

Sieck, W.R., Quinee, C.N. & Schooler, J.W. 1999 Justification effects on the judgment of analogy.   Memory and Cognition, 27, 844-855(10).

Blanchette, I. & Dunber, K. 2000 How analogies are generated: The roles of structural

and superficial similarity. Memory and Cognition, 28,108-124(17).

Aguilar, C.M. & Medin, D.L. 1999 Asymmetries of comparison,

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 6, 328-337(10).


6/14  7.言語・比喩・物語理解


Sundermeier, B. A.; van den Broek, P.; Zwaan, R. A. 2005 Causal coherence and

the availability of locations and objects during narrative comprehension

Memory & Cognition, Volume 33, Number 3, 462-470(9)

Rapp, D. N., & Gerrig, R. J. (2002) Readers’ reality-driven and plot-driven analyses in narrative comprehension. Memory and Cognition, 30:779-788.

Glucksberg S.; Estes Z. 2000 Feature accessibility in conceptual combination: Effects of

context-induced relevance. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 7(3), 510-515(6)

Lefèvre, N.; Lories, G. 2004 Text cohesion and metacomprehension: Immediate and

delayed judgments. Memory & Cognition, Volume 32, Number 8, 1238-1254(17)

McKenzie C.R.M.; Nelson J.D. 2003 What a speaker's choice of frame reveals: Reference points, frame selection, and framing effects

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 10, Number 3, 596-602(7)

Jones, L. L.; Estes, Z. 2005 Metaphor comprehension as attributive categorization.
Journal of Memory and Language. 53(1), 110-124..

Lara L. Jones and Zachary Estes 2005 Metaphor comprehension as attributive

categorization. Journal of Memory and Language, Volume 53, Issue 1 , 110-124(15).

Wolff, P. & Gentner, D. 2000 Evidence for neutral initial processing of metaphors.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 26(2) 529-541(12).   

Hussey, Karen A.; Katz, Albert N. 2006 Metaphor Production in Online Conversation: Gender and Friendship Status. Discourse Processes. 42(1), 75-98.[レジメ]

Jones, L. L.; Estes, Z. 2005 Metaphor comprehension as attributive categorization.
Journal of Memory and Language. 53(1), 110-124.

Foroni, F.; Mayr, U. 2005 The power of a story: New, automatic associations from a single readingof a short scenario Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 12, Number 1, 139-144(6)


6/21  .推論(演繹と帰納、直観的推論、批判的思考)                      


Phillips, Virginia; Bond, Carol 2004 Undergraduates' experiences of critical thinking.
Higher Education Research & Development. 23(3), 277-294(28).

Howe, E. R.2004 Canadian and Japanese teachers' conceptions of critical

thinking: a comparative study. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 10(5),505-525

Yanchar, S. C.; Slife, BD. 2004 Teaching Critical Thinking by Examining Assumptions. Teaching of Psychology. 31(2), Spr 2004, 85-90.

Heit, Evan; Feeney, Aidan  2005 Relations Between Premise Similarity and Inductive

Strength. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 12, Number 2, 340-344(5)

McKenzie C.R.M.; Amin M.B. 2002 When wrong predictions provide more support than

right ones. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 9, Number 4, 821-828(8)

 Rosemary, P. & Seymour, E. 1999 The relation of rational and experiential information

processing styles to personality, basic beliefs, and the ratio-bias phenomenon.

Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. 76(6), 972-987(16)

Burns B.D.; Corpus B. 2004 Randomness and inductions from streaks: "Gambler's fallacy" versus "hot hand" Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11,  179-184(6).[レジメ]

Tanner C.; Medin D.L. 2004 Protected values: No omission bias and no framing effects

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 11, Number 1, 185-191(7)


6/28 9.意思決定


Malkoc, Selin A.; Zauberman, Gal; Ulu, Canan  2005 Consuming Now or Later? The Interactive  Effect of Timing and Attribute Alignability.  Psychological Science. 16(5), 411-417.

Simon, D.; Krawczyk, D. C.; Holyoak, K. J. 2004 Construction of Preferences by Constraint Satisfaction. Psychological Science. 15(5), 331-336(6). [レジメ]

van Dijk, Eric; Zeelenberg, Marcel  2005 On the psychology of 'if only': Regret and the

comparison between factual and counterfactual outcomes.  
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
97(2), 152-160(9).

Wong, Kin Fai Ellick; Kwong, Jessica Y. Y. 2007 The Role of Anticipated Regret in Escalation of Commitment. Journal of Applied Psychology.92(2) 545-554

Kaiser, Florian G. 2006 A moral extension of the theory of planned behavior: Norms and anticipated feelings of regret in conservationism. Personality and            

    Individual Differences. 41(1), 71-81.

Roese, Neal J.; Summerville, Amy What We Regret Most... and Why. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 31(9), Sep 2005, 1273-1285.

Weber, Bethany J.; Chapman, Gretchen B. 2005 Playing for peanuts: Why is risk seeking more common for low-stakes gambles? Organizational Behavior and    

    Human Decision Processes. 97(1),31-46.

Zhang, Jie Hai; Walsh, Clare; Bonnefon, Jean-François 2005 Between-subject or within-subject measures of regret: Dilemma and solution. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 41(5), 559-566.

Gilbert, Daniel T.; Morewedge, Carey K.; Risen, Jane L.; Wilson, Timothy D. 2004 Looking Forward to Looking Backward: The misprediction of regret. Psychological Science. 15(5), May 2004, 346-350.

Schwartz J.; Chapman G.; Brewer N.; Bergus G. 2004 The effects of accountability on bias in physician decision making: Going from bad to worse Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 11, Number 1, 173-178(6)

Chapman G. B.; Niedermayer L. Y. 2001 What counts as a decision? Predictors of

perceived decision making Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8(3), 615-621(7)

Morris, M.W., Moore,P.C. & Sim,D.L.H. 1999 Choosing remedies after accidents:counterfactual thoughts and the focus on fixing "human error"   Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 6, 579-585(7).

Barkan, R. & Busemeyer, J.R. 1999 Changing plans: Dynamic inconsistency and the

effects of experience on the reference point.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 6, 547-554(8).


7/5   10. 感情

Lerner J.S; Small D.A; Loewenstein G.2004 Heart Strings and Purse Strings: Carryover Effects of Emotions on Economic Decisions. Psychological Science,  15(5), 337-341(5)[レジメ]

Barrett, L. F. 2006 Solving the emotion paradox: Categorization and the experience of emotion. Personality and Social Psychology Review. 10(1), 2006, 20-46

Mellers,B., Schwartz, A.& Ritov, I. 1999 Emotion-Based Choice. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 128(3), 332-345(14).

Darrel D. M. &  David E. S. 2004 THE POWER OF REFLECTIONAn Empirical Examination  of Nostalgia Advertising Effects  Journal of Advertising, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 25–35.

Schwarz, N. 2006  Feelings, fit, and funny effects: A situated cognition perspective.
Journal of Marketing Research. 43(1), Feb 2006, 20-23.

Niedenthal, Paula M.; Barsalou, L.W.; Winkielman, P.,Krauth-Gruber, S., Ric, F.

2005 Embodiment in Attitudes, Social Perception, and Emotion. Personality and Social Psychology Review. 9(3), 2005, 184-211(28).

Berndsen, Mariëtte; van der Pligt, Joop; Doosje, Bertjan; Manstead, Antony S. R. 2004 Guilt and regret: The determining role of interpersonal and intrapersonal harm. Cognition & Emotion. 18(1), 55-70.


7/12 11. 社会的認知


Wright, D. B.& Klumpp, A.  2004 Collaborative Inhibition Is Due to the Product, Not the  Process, of Recalling in Groups Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 11, Number 6, 1080-1083 [レジメ]

Lönnqvist, J.; Leikas, S.; Paunonen, S.; Nissinen, V.; Verkasalo, M. 2006 Conformism Moderates the Relations Between Values, Anticipated Regret, and Behavior.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 32(11), 1469-1481.

Helwig, C.C. & Prencipe, A. 1999 Children's judgments of flag and flag-burning.

Child development, 70(2),396-412(7).

Stevenson, Richard J.; Repacholi, Betty M. 2005 Does the source of an interpersonal

odour affect disgust? A disease risk model and its alternatives.
European Journal of Social Psychology
. 35(3), 375-401(7).

Joel,C. 1999 Unlearning cognitive dissonance: Toward an understanding of the development of dissonance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 34(6) 562-575(14)

Stalder, D.R. & Baron, R.S. 1999 Attributional complexity as a moderator of dissonance-

produced attitude change. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. 75(2) 449-455(7)


Kumar, P. 2004 The effects of social comparison on inaction inertia.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 95(2), Nov 2004, 175-185.


7/19 テスト(英語論文の批判的読解に関するテストと自己評価シート) 




[成績評価の方法]              ウエイト

    授業の出席と参加、コメントカード            25%   

    ワークシート,課題             25%

    授業の発表                                                         25%

    テスト                   25%