
                               教育学部 植田智佳




 しかし心理学者Spanosは著書‘Multiple Identities and False Memories :A Sociocognitive Perspective’でこの原因論について二つの問題点を挙げている。一つは、MPD患者の失われた記憶を探り出したり隠れた人格を明らかにしたりする目的で催眠を用いる例が多数占めることである。すなわち催眠やそれ類似の状態の中で“引き出された記憶”は施術者の指示に可能な限り従おうと努める被験者によって、無意識の内に捏造されたものが極めて多いし、その中に事実が多少混じっていたとしてもそれを切り分けることは難しい。このことは幼少期の記憶はもとより、それ以外の時期の記憶にも当てはまる。またSpanosは、催眠は独特な意識状態(トランス状態)を生み出す事も無ければ、記憶を正確に思い起こす能力を向上させることもないと考える。






 New Book Challenges Scientific Legitimacy of Multiple Personality Disorder


WASHINGTON -- Since the mid-1970s there has been tremendous growth in the diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) -- the development of sometimes hundreds of separate personalities within the same body, often ascribed to childhood physical or sexual abuse. But according to research psychologist Nicholas P. Spanos, Ph.D., Multiple Personality Disorder (recently renamed Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID), is not a 'disease' at all, but a 'social construction' that serves the various purposes of MPD patients, their therapists and elements of society. He recommends that the diagnosis be abandoned.

'Multiple Identities and False Memories: A Sociocognitive Perspective,' published by the American Psychological Association (APA), was written by Dr. Spanos shortly before his death in a plane crash in 1994. It is a wide-ranging and thoroughly documented examination of the scientific literature on the phenomenon of Multiple Personality Disorder and its possible connection to recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse, reports of satanic ritual abuse, past-life regression and claims of alien abduction.

One of the common threads running through these phenomena is the use of hypnosis to retrieve 'lost' memories and reveal hidden identities. Dr. Spanos, who was one of the world's leading experts on the study of hypnosis, offers his conclusion that some of the most common beliefs about hypnosis simply are not true. 略)

Two other important phenomena occurred during the 1970s and 1980s, Dr. Spanos notes: the growth of the feminist movement, whose social goals of such things as the right to abortion, pay equity, encouragement of women to become economically self- sufficient were (and are) opposed by another growing social and political force: the religious right. Ironically, Dr. Spanos observes, elements of both forces have come to embrace the modern association between MPD and childhood sexual abuse; some feminists believe that MPD, which rarely occurs in men, brings recognition to the problem of the sexual abuse of women while some on the religious right see MPD as evidence of the existence of sexually abusive satanic cults.