

第33回講演会 Cassell先生講演会(Aチーム主催)の記録



Justine Cassell先生は,仮想空間におけるConversational agentの第一人者です。


今回21COE国際シンポジウム New Perspectives in Affective Science(1月28日―30日)で講演するために来日しました。



日時  131日 月曜 10:45-12:00

場所  京都大学芝蘭会館別館2F研修室

タイトル:"Trading Spaces: Multimodal Route-Finding and Direction-Giving by Humans and Humanoids"


Justine Cassell 先生の紹介


Justine Cassell is a full professor in the departments of Communication Studies and Computer Science at Northwestern University, the director of the ArticuLab research group, and the graduate director of the interdisciplinary Technology and Social Behavior Ph.D.

program.  Before coming to Northwestern, Cassell was a tenured associate professor at the MIT Media Lab where she directed the Gesture and Narrative Language Research Group.  In 2001, Cassell was awarded the Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award at MIT.

Cassell holds undergraduate degrees in Comparative Literature from Dartmouth and in Lettres Modernes from the Universite de Besanson (France). She holds a M.Phil in Linguistics from the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) and a double Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in Linguistics and Psychology.

Cassell's research concentrates on better understanding everyday kinds of conversation and narrative as practiced by children and adults, and on building technologies that simulate, mediate, and facilitate those everyday kinds of talk.  These technologies, such as Embodied Conversational Agents, Story Listening Systems, and Online Communities, in turn allow her to study the nature of human communication with and through technology.




楠見 孝
