21世紀COE 心の働きの総合的研究教育拠点 :Aチーム企画          






日時:2006年3月24日(金曜) 2-4




地図・アクセス: http://www.educ.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access.htm


講師:Mahzarin R. Banaji (Harvard University)



題目:Mind Bugs: The Psychology of Ordinary Prejudice (マインドバグ:日常的偏見の心理学)


概要:How deep are the bounds on human thinking and feeling and how do they shape social judgment?  Our focus has been on the mechanics of unconscious mental processes, with attention to those that operate without conscious awareness, intention, or control.  Most recently, we have worked with a task that reveals unconscious preferences in a rather blunt manner, showing that they can sit, at one level, in contradiction with consciously endorsed preferences.  We use the tool largely for theory testing, focusing on questions about the nature of implicit social cognition and its measurement.  The research tool, in vastly simplified form, is also available to the public at a demonstration website (implicit.harvard.edu), offering estimates of automatic preferences toward social groups, political candidates, and academic orientation (e.g., math/science). From such study of attitudes and beliefs of adults and children, I ask about the social and  moral consequences of unintended thought and feeling. My work relies on cognitive/affective behavioral measures and neuroimaging (fMRI) with which I explore the implications for theories of individual responsibility and social justice.






国際ワークショップ 社会的認知の意識性と非意識性」(神戸大3/26)



企画・連絡先: 楠見 孝 kusumi(at)educ.kyoto-u.ac.jp


March 11, 2006